Animals are exposed to them mainly through the ingestion of contaminated feed. Tomato leaves and vine. var Ua,Xa,Wa;_.Va=function(a){var c="// Iceberg lettuce Onions Potatoes Radishes Rhubarb and its leaves Sweet peas Seeds, Grains, and Nuts This is another category of foods that are seemingly harmless because they are natural, but can be poisonous to guinea pigs and should be avoided: Cereals of any kind Grains Nuts Rice Seeds of any kind Household and Garden Plants (d in a.b))return!1;var e=_.vd(a.b[d],c);e&&(_.Dd(c),0==a.b[d].length&&(delete a.b[d],a.d--));return e};_.Fd=function(a,c,d,e){for(var f=0;f
2*this.k&&ld(this),!0):!1};var ld=function(a){if(a.k!=a.b.length){for(var c=0,d=0;c